Housing projects in Pacific Quay & SECC

Development at Anderston SSAH nearing completion

Anderston regeneration

Key design features in the redevelopment of the Anderston area included the reinstatement of the historic street pattern.

People are at the heart of the river's regeneration and a range of new housing developments are planned along the entire Clyde Waterfont.

Developments such as MinervaRiver Heights and Lancefield Quay have enhanced the district's reputation as a desirable residential location. A major rebuilding project by Anderston SSHA has redeveloped this area of the city, recreating the original street plan.

Pacific Quay & SECC / Housing

11 project(s)

Search results
Project Name District Category Status
Anderston SSHA Finnieston Housing Construction
Argyle St/Kelvinhaugh St student flats Finnieston Housing Completed
Capitol Park Pacific Quay Housing Completed
City Wharf Finnieston Commercial, Housing Planning
Gilbert Street student flats Housing Planning
Lancefield Quay Finnieston Housing Completed
Minerva Finnieston Housing Construction
Perth Street Finnieston Housing Completed
River Heights phase 1 Finnieston Housing Completed
Riverside Business Park Pacific Quay Commercial, Housing, Leisure Construction