Elder Park regeneration

  • Elder Park as existing

Lead Partner: Glasgow City Council Land and Environmental Services

Other Partners: Friends of Elderpark, Linthouse Urban Village; Historic Scotland, Glasgow Housing Association, Glasgow Community Planning, Culture and Sport Glasgow

Project Team: Glasgow City Council Land and Environmental Services, Parks and Environment Development.

Project History
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Greater Govan & Glasgow Harbour, Govan


This project will encompass the physical regeneration of Elder Park, including the refurbishment of gates, railings, paths and infrastructure, the conservation of historic monuments and statues and the introduction of new lighting, planting and recreation facilities.

The proposals also include the refurbishment and conservation of the existing boathouse and the derelict former Fairfield farmhouse for community-related uses and Glasgow City Council parks staff.

Alongside the physical works will be the development of activities and events as well as local community involvement. This will underpin the design development of the park as part of a long-term approach to securing its future.

Current status:

In the first phase of development a new play area was installed and a multi-sport facility created in 2008. Current ideas are progressing for developing the Lady Elder Garden.




Around £5 million.