Linthouse creative shopfronts

  • Linthouse shop detail

Lead Partner: Scottish Enterprise

Other Partners: Communities Scotland; Linthouse Housing Association

Project Team: Ingrid Campbell; John McBride; Greg Ferrier


Project History
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Greater Govan & Glasgow Harbour, Linthouse


Linthouse in Greater Govan has suffered decline following the decrease in shipbuilding and heavy engineering along the Clyde. The Linthouse Housing Association has set up Linthouse Urban Village (LUV) to encourage a fresh sense of community and foster local initiatives.

LUV believes the long term sustainability of the area depends upon the involvement of local people. The project is focusing on a series of creative schemes to help improve the quality of life within the community.

Recent initiatives include the creative shopfronts project in which local people, artists and shopkeepers have redesigned 14 shop fronts to help transform the look of the area. Residents are very supportive of the initiative - a survey found that 94.6% of locals believed that the look of their area will be transformed in a positive way as a result of the project.

The creative shopfronts is just one of a number of initiatives that is currently being undertaken by the LUV Project. Other initiatives include the LUV Christmas market, LUV café and gallery.

Current status:

Work began on the project in July 2005 and all 14 shops have been completed and are open for business.


Completed April 2006

