Tidal weir lighting project

  • The Weir at night

Lead Partner: Glasgow City Council

Other Partners: nva organisation; Scottish Arts Council

Project Team: David Bryant (designer); Spirit Design.

Project History
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Glasgow City Centre, Gorbals


This project was carried out as part of Glasgow City Council's lighting strategy, which aims to use lighting design to enhance Glasgow's distinctive character, creating interest and vitality after dark.

A simple but bold illumination of the weir fascia, piers and support structures, lifts the weir out of the surrounding landscape.

Lights focused onto the water maximise reflections from the water spume providing additional drama. An array of miniature beacons along the handrail add energy and clarity to the top section of the weir.

Current status:

The project was implemented under the first phase of the council's lighting strategy. The strategy was launched in March 2002 to improve ambience and make streets more attractive.


The tidal weir lighting scheme was completed in March 2003.


£84,447 (this scheme only)