Eventually students will be faced with many choices, including
which career to pursue, where to live and what schools their
children should attend. The geography of a city, its government and
the available services may not seem important now, but these will
be very important issues as adults. This lesson places students in
the future and allows them to choose where to live by examining the
city's government, services and location.
Broad Outcomes of learning
• Use knowledge gained in core skills in a real life
• The ability to make informed life and work related
• Enterprising skills - independence, self-aware, decision making,
• Employability skills through managing time, communicating
effectively, using research and gathering information skills
Relevance to curriculum
•Developing an understanding of individual and social needs and the
relationship to economic factors
• Use technology skills to create a brochure, read maps and do
research using various sources
• Improve maths skills by estimating, measuring, mapping,
• Practice creative writing
• Improve understanding of local authorities, services and size and