Working as 'card design companies', this enterprising lesson idea
will use images of Clyde bridges and their reflections onto the
waterfront, captured by the learners in photographs and
observational drawings as a stimulus for creating 'Impressionist'
inspired paintings to be used on a new range of greetings cards and
Broad Outcomes of learning
• Knowledge and understanding of 'bridge design' topic gained and
•Art & design technical & creative skills developed in
observational drawing, painting and photography
• Knowledge and understanding of the work of artists enhanced
through a study of the 'Impressionists', in particular, a focus on
Claude Monet
• Knowledge and understanding of the visual elements and the
relationship between them
• Knowledge and understanding of their visual environment and their
relationship to it
• Critical skills of 'evaluating and appreciating' developed
through class discussion of other artists' work
• Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a
real situation by working as photographers, artists and designers
to design a product that meet the needs of their
• Employability skills developed such as, knowledge of business -
running their own card design company - establishing job roles
within the team, working to a design brief to create a product
contributing and working collaboratively, researching work by other
artists and studying techniques, communicating and sharing
• Understanding of the needs of the customer
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through cooperative
decision making
• Confidence gained in working independently
• Learners make effective contribution through roles and
responsibilities in their design teams
Relevance to curriculum
• Supports CfE Art