Outdoor lighting design

This project will develop students' k/u of 3D design processes by using Clyde architecture/bridges as a starting point to create a unique outdoor lighting design to present to a panel of experts such as a festival organiser, Clyde developer, local designer, local authority personnel, local community and an exhibition at parents' evening.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced e.g. the design process, working to constraints (design brief, intended market etc), learning how to use various materials and techniques e.g. experimenting with paper, plastic, card and wire 
• Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a real situation by being able to follow a brief, by being in competition with peers and by presenting you finished product to a selected panel (selling your product also relates to selling oneself in an interview situation) 
• Communication & analysing: critiquing each others work at middle and end of project 
• Researching, planning and sourcing: going through the design process 
• Organisation: presentation boards to show design process 
• Presenting: presenting your work to a panel of experts at the end of the project 
• Confidence of working independently from teacher-led lessons demonstrated by pupil focussed working through experimenting with materials, at this stage teacher is available for help and support but pupils would be coming up with ideas themselves 
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through making decisions throughout their design unit and selecting which material best suits their design. Learners will also justify their final design to the panel of experts 
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

• Support CfE Art

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