Origami boat design

This project will develop students' k/u of 3D design processes by using the Clyde Waterfront (architecture/bridges/boats/wildlife/Clyde Heritage) as a starting point to create a unique origami boat design to present to an expert panel including e.g. transport developer, local designer, local authority Culture and Leisure personnel, and use for an exhibition at parents' evening.
Theoretically the origami boats could be marketed to locals as a new sport for children (by holding a boat race) and marketed to tourists as a souvenir representing the Glasgow River Festival.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced e.g. the design process, working to the constraints of the design brief (responsibility to meeting needs of others), intended market etc 
• Develop enterprise and employability skills: application of knowledge in a real situation by being able to follow a brief, by being in competition with others and by presenting finished product to whole class (selling your product also relates to selling oneself in an interview situation) 
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

• Supports CfE Art, students will work with the visual elements: line, shape, colour and form 
• Relevance of how curriculum topic on origami boat design is relevant to work and life (everything that you see around has been through the design process) and how this subject knowledge is put into practice in a real situation e.g. competing for a bid, shipbuilding etc

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