Creating a poetry book

This lesson/project idea will develop a knowledge and understanding of language and the written word. Pupils will begin by looking at poetry about Glasgow area written by local poets. There will then be a teacher-led class discussion about the structure of poetry, the issues in these works, followed by a discussion about issues relevant to the pupils today. Each pupil in the class will then create their own poems to be included in the class poetry book. The class will then act as a business in order to create and sell the book.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced - understanding of language and written word through poetry 
• Enterprising skills improved through application of knowledge in a real situation by developing creativity, building confidence and self awareness, taking responsibility, decision making, consideration of others through group work and discussion 
• Developed employability skills: communication, planning, organisation, time management, researching, co-operating, negotiating, contributing, marketing, selling 
• Confidence of working independently from teacher-led lessons demonstrated by group work and company decision making 
• Pupils take responsibility for their learning through making decisions about what to write about, what work is included in the book, how the book is designed, what to charge for the book, who the book is marketed to. 
• Pupils have developed enterprising skills identified as four capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

• Supports 5-14 Language 
• Relevant to key elements of a Curriculum for Excellence 
• Relevant to Enterprise in Education criteria

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