Futuristic Clyde transport

This project will develop students' knowledge and understanding of design/planning by considering how transport could be improved along the Clyde. Learners will apply this knowledge in a real life context by considering the implications of their wacky transport ideas on the local environment. Final design will take the form of a photomontage of the Clyde waterfront incorporating various transport ideas to be presented to a Glasgow transport provider or a transport design company.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced e.g. the design process, working to the constraints of the design brief 
• Develop enterprise and employability skills: application of knowledge in a real situation by being able to follow a brief, by being in competition with others and by presenting final solution to whole class (selling your product also relates to selling oneself in an interview situation) 
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

• Supports 5-14 Art & Design studies, students will work with the visual elements: line, shape, and composition 
• Relevance of how transport/planning is relevant to work and life (discuss types of transport) and how this subject knowledge is put into practice in a real situation e.g. planners competing for bids

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